How to add widgets to a dashboards

You can also add various widgets to the dashboards such as counters, filter dropdowns. In order to add widgets to the dashboard in edit dashboard or new dashboard window, you will find a tab on top panel : "+ WIDGETS". Click over it, and you will find a dropdown containing various widgets that you can add :

  1. Counter

  2. Column Filter

Select and Click on the widget which you want to add in to the dashboard pane.

Add a Counter -

If you want some counters on the dashboard, click on counter and it will open up a pop up where you can configure what values you want to show on widget and how you want to show it.

You can select the dataset and the column which you want a count on and provide a title for the counter. You can also specify the aggregation as count, sum, min or max in measure dropdown. You can also append prefix and suffix characters to the counter. If the calculated value in the counter is too large or contains number of decimal point you can divide or round off the value also.

Simply click on create counter after providing all the relevant details and respective counter will be added to the dashboard.

Add a Filter -

If you want some filters on the dashboard, click on filter and it will open up a pop up where you can configure what data columns you want to show as filter on dashboard.

You can select the dataset and the column which you want as filter on and provide a title for the filter.

Simply click on create widget after providing all the relevant details and respective filter will be added to the dashboard.